Number 1-140 of 1000 Moves for Back Up Dancers

Numbers 1-140 of 1000 Moves for Back Up Dancers is happening November 9th at Danspace Project! The showing is at 3pm and it’s free!

Please join myself, Elanor Bock and Kirsten Schnittker in the first showing of this work.

1000 Moves for Back Up Dancers is a project I began last spring. Initially I thought it would be interesting to create an obscene goal - 1000 moves - for myself and Kirsten Schnittker to perform as a short duet somewhere. Then the part of me that love collections, archives and “complete sets” of anything took over and I decided that I should amass 1000 moves, and that I should do this with four different groups of dancers in four different cities. Why multiple casts and locales? I’m interested in finding ways to tour my work that sit outside of traditional structures - because most of those are far too expensive. Also, I’m interested in de-centering New York City in my dance making.