What am I even doing?

It’s been a strangely useful time, this in between time, this not quite dancing together time.

When you’re working with limits things become clear quickly. The multi-part, multi-city project I thought I’d be focusing on now is clearly going to become a community project, and that’s exciting - time to let go after wrapping myself so tightly in the plotting of moves, after move, after move.

I’m back in studios for the first time in months, I’m making solo work - the deep opposite of 1000 Moves for Back Up Dancers, but still so much bad-baby-Fosse-jazz in my body that’s already seeping into this project. Below are some thoughts I’m thinking, some questions I’m running my hands over, getting my back up against.

Last time I was writing about the difficulty of understanding where my body can go in space. Now I’m making solo work for what might end up being a very particular space (more on that in another post…later…maybe) and again, limitations create clarity.
